wtorek, 5 sierpnia 2014

History of psychotherapy

Although modern, scientific psychology is frequently dated at the 1879 starting of the first psychological medical center by Wilhelm Wundt, efforts to create methods for treating and evaluating mental distress existed long before. The earliest recorded approaches were a combination of religious, or and mystical medical perspectives. The earliest recorded approaches were a combination of or, magical and religious medical viewpoints. Early examples of such early psychotherapists included Avicenna, Padmasambhava, Patanjali and Rhazes and Rumi (see Islamic psychology).

Inside the 1800s, one could have their head examined, literally, utilizing phrenology, the study of the shape in the skull developed by respected anatomist Franz Joseph Gall. Other popular treatments included physiognomy-the study of the shape from the face-and mesmerism, developed by Franz Anton Mesmer-designed to relieve psychological distress by the use of magnets. Spiritualism and Phineas Quimby's "mental healing" approach that was very like contemporary concept of "positive visualization" were also well-liked.